Saturday, January 19, 2013

Instagram. Just mutter the words "insta" and everyone will immediately know what you are talking about. I really do love instagram. I just love the filters. My favorite? Nashville ^__^ Too cool. Like a week or so before there was a double rainbow and everyone started freaking out and they started yelling "IT'S GOING ON INSTAGRAM!!" So for that day, Instagram was full of rainbow pictures. But even though I love instagram, it does have it's cons. Like how you have to crop pictures a certain way and you can never get the full picture in it.. Yea. It sucks. But Instagram has some competition. Something called "Eyeem"? Whatever that is. I'm sticking with IG



So.. I seriously don't understand why everyone obsesses over this song. All I ever see on twitter is "shine bright like a diamond". Is it even POSSIBLE to "shine bright like a diamond"? Yea, I know the song is catchy and I have to admit I do sing it in the car but like come on. Enough is enough. NO MORE TWEETING ABOUT SHINING BRIGHT. It is not humanely possible for a human being to shine bright like a diamond. Have you ever seen how bright a diamond actually is?! Those people who look at diamonds and stuff have to look at them through those mini magnifying scopes. So the next time you hear Diamonds and you think about tweeting those 5 words. Think about how you can't shine bright.


hallo people

well hello there. I'm not sure how you stumbled across this blog but GREETINGS. hi, hello, hallo, hola, aloha, etc, etc, etc. who am I you may ask? oh. I'm a girl. Such a broad description right? Wrong. Let me formally introduce myself.
Hi, I'm A. I'm 16, I'm gay and I like pizza & bacon. 
Was that better? I think so. So you may sit and ask yourself.. what kind of blog an I'm looking at. Well… I couldn't tell ya. Sorry. This is just.. completely random and gives me a chance to write out.. ya know.. STUFF. 
So.. sit back and enjoy the ride… if we were on one….. 


oh & P.S.
I'm totally not copying off of Pretty Little Liars.. my name does start with the letter A ;)